What we do
We provide diagnostic X-ray and ultrasound services for babies, children and young people up to the age of 19. With dedicated staff, and equipment specifically designed for paediatrics our radiation doses are some of the lowest nationally.
We are fully PACS (Picture Archiving and Communications System) based, which means that X-rays and scans can be stored electronically and viewed on screen by doctors and other health professionals. They can access the information securely and compare it with past images available throughout the Trust.
What to expect
The department is open from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday, with an on-call radiography team covering the service for ward and operating theatre emergencies outside of these hours.
The facilities include a screening suite, digital radiography general X-ray room and dental X-ray room, two ultrasound rooms, mobile image intensifier for the operating theatres, three mobile X-ray machines and access to the main adult site for CT/MRI scans.
We provide a facility for CT/MR scans under general anaesthetic.
If possible, please try not to bring other children with you when you attend with your child for the examination.
Level 4c, Royal Alexandra Children's Hospital
Telephone: 01273 696955 ext 3152
- Consultant Radiologists: Dr Kyriakos Iliadis, Dr Ima Moorthy, Dr Lavanya Vitta, Dr Lorraine Moon
- Superintendent Radiographer: Trish Holmes