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What we do

The Alex provides a specialist service to help with your child's wetting problems, either bedwetting or daytime wetting, and you may have been referred to us by your GP.

What to expect

Approximately 4 weeks after you receiving your referral letter, we will provide a telephone consultation to check on your child’s progress and decide if any further tests or clinic appointments are required.

During the phone consultation, we will discuss how you have been getting on with the advice provided on this website, and may arrange a renal ultrasound scan with pre and post passing urine pictures. We may then see you with all the results in clinic if this is required.

Preparing for your appointment

The following leaflets and videos provide tips for how to improve your child’s condition and prepare for appointments.

Useful information

There are also relevant links which you will find useful here:


Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital, Brighton, BN2 5BE


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