Course details
- Setting up a Twitter account
- Building your network
- Guidance on using Twitter professionally
- Measuring your reach and impact
Attend if:
- You want to use Twitter effectively for professional networking
- You want to learn some power users’ tips and tricks’ and share your own
- You want to evaluate your use of Twitter
Previous experience required: some experience of using web-based tools is helpful.
Duration: 30 minutes. Feel free to bring your lunch
Format: demonstration and hands on practice
Booking a place: Use the form below or log into KnowledgeShare (using an NHS OpenAthens username and password) to book onto a session.
Sessions are taught both on-site and online. Dates which are taught online only (using tools such as Microsoft Teams) are listed separately. You will be contacted with more details when you book onto a specific session. Contact if you have any queries.
Further help: useful hints and tips