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Silver linings

When we heard the first time about covid it seemed to be just an incident in China and it wouldn’t bother us at all...

Saving lives with pulse oximeters

We decided in September of 2020 to send Pulse Oximeters to our clinically extremely vulnerable haematology patients who tested positive for Covid, to help us spot signs of a drop in oxygen levels.

Research at surge speed

My lasting memory of the year is not a hospital memory but of the first urgent Covid-19 related application we had at the Brighton and Sussex Research Ethics Committee....

Reflections of an Accommodation Officer

The first lock down I remember it being so peaceful and quiet and no cars on the road, I could hear the birds singing again. But at work we were not singing.

Reflections of a Ward Technologist

I joined the NHS a year before COVID-19 and even then, we shared memories and moments that will stay with us forever however the pandemic was like nothing we've ever experienced before, it was scary and confusing to say the least.

Reflections of a Respiratory Consultant

Having known about MERS and SARS outbreaks from over a decade ago, I understood the potential gravity but only when I saw a video from a Wuhan hospital did it become clear what was happening & potentially how underprepared we may be.

Reflections of a Fit Tester

Year 2020, a very memorable year to all of us. Many suffered loss of loved ones from the pandemic; too many people died all over the world. But I have some memories, I want to share . . .

Reflections of a Chaplain: demanding, heart breaking and a huge privilege

As chaplains our team has been present on the wards throughout the pandemic. Our role has been to support not only the patients but also relatives and members of staff.....

Reflections of a Car Parking Attendant

My Covid-19 story begins in March 2020. It took me, just like everyone else, completely by surprise. I never thought we would have to go through such unpleasant times. It has influenced me greatly and had an impact on how I view the world....

Reflections from Cardiac Specialist Nurses

We are a group of Cardiac Specialist Nurses based on or around ACU, many of us have not worked in ward areas for more than 20 years...