Submitted by Katie Eaves
Masks on
Breathe in
Everything seems slow
Can’t properly hear,
Words muffled,
Need to speak loud, clear
Gloves, gown, tied up right
Visor covers face,
Vision reflecting the light
Feeling the heat,
Entering another dimension
Sight, sound distorted
A strange kind of zen
The world beyond
Seeming forgotten
Far away
Caring for those
In the red area zone
Stranded from all
No friends or family
All visitors banned
Some so sick
Every breath exhausts them
Unable to eat or speak
Just battling the disease
Others ventilated
Lying prone
Face down
Sedated, asleep
Critically unwell
Some never make it
The heart break for family
So tragic, so devastating
No words
Just raw pain
Losing a loved one
A father, mother,
Sister, brother
Sometimes a daughter or son
Families calling
Via iPads and phones
Desperate To see them,
Hug them
Last moments together
Calling out for them to live
Weeping from a glass screen.
A voice I can hear
‘Don’t leave me, I love you’
The nurses by their side
Doing their best to keep them alive
With high tech machines,
Lines, wires and drugs galore
And behind the masks
The purest of medicines
With wisdom, care
Professionalism, skill
Eyes that reassure
A hand held
This all we will never forget