The last two years have been a particularly challenging time for everyone.
Whether we have directly cared for critically ill patients, struggled with loss, battled with the loneliness of being apart from loved ones or felt sad about how every day life has changed. We have all been affected.
However you have been affected we are here for you.
Get the help you need
If you are struggling in any way then confidential and supportive help is out there, please do access the resources listed here.
For UHSussex staff:
UHSussex Health and Wellbeing support
Please take a look at the UHSussex staff wellbeing webpage where you will find lots of different options for:
- Someone to talk to or just to listen
- Opportunities for going out, spending time with others and getting active
- Making your money go further
Sussex Staff in Mind
Further support is available through the Sussex Staff in Mind service. This is for health and care staff in Sussex who may be experience emotional or psychological difficulties giving the opportunity to complete a self-assessment about how you’re feeling, have a confidential follow-up assessment with a clinician and receive access to mental health treatment.
For anyone else:
The every mind matters resource is the NHS service that has expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing. It also has advice on helping others and what to do if you, or somebody else, needs urgent support.