I had covid at the beginning of April. It starts just with a cough and feeling tired until I felt like I could barely breathe. We stayed home in isolation for 14 days feeling horrible like I never felt before.
Being far away from my family made them worry a lot and feel bad because they couldn’t help or look after me. Fortunately, I have an amazing partner and great friends and neighbours who managed to do our shopping and deliver to us, especially when shelves at the shops were empty.
It was an extremely challenging and difficult year not just because of the type of work we are doing or the environment we work in. It was a tough year mentally. We were not able to visit our parents abroad for over a year. Even worse was that we were afraid to go there and infect them as we were lucky to have our vaccine and they still had to wait. We saw a lot of people suffer tragic losses and people fight for every breath they took. That makes you re-evaluate your life and how you treat other people and how you want to be treated.
For us, we managed to find the bright side of the whole situation. We saved money and made our dreams come true by getting a dog. It’s really helped take our minds off work and all the covid news online and in social media.
Dorota, Portering, St Richard’s Hospital