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Real strength in working together as a team...

I would like to share the story of how the Western front line staff came together to offer practical advice, reflection, clinical discussion and mutual support from the very start of the Covid pandemic.

Re-affirming my research and nursing vocation

Submitted by Emma Clinical Stroke and Senior Ophthamology Research Nurse When the pandemic was announced ...

Rainbow eye tapestry

At the start of the pandemic in 2020, a project called Shared Hearts was set up by our Critical Care team to support loved ones of patients who had sadly died of Covid. I created this tapestry by hand stitching over 125,000 individual pieces of yarn over a 4 month period.

Proud to be a critical care nurse...

Working in Critical Care during the pandemic has been incredibly challenging, but it has highlighted how amazing and adaptable our team is, from our doctors and nurses to our physiotherapists, housekeepers and all multidisciplinary team members in between.


Pride - that word sums up my story and reflections...

Portraits of cardiac colleagues

I was redeployed during the 1st wave of Covid 19. My mental health took a hit and I turned to my pencil case to find solace. These are portraits of colleagues who I have worked with in cardiac theatres. 

Portraits for heroes

A national project in 2020 to immortalise in pictures many of the NHS professionals working through the Covid-19 pandemic featured dozens of colleagues at the former Western Sussex Hospitals (now part of UHSussex) painted for posterity.