Healthcare Databases

On the 31st of March 2022, NICE decommissioned HDAS (Health Databases Advanced Search).

Access to the individual bibliographic healthcare databases is now via the provider platforms Ovid, EBSCO and Proquest using your usual OpenAthens login (Register for an account here)

Ovid bibliographic databases Databases: Medline, Embase, Emcare, HMIC, AMED Access here
EBSCO bibliographic databases Databases: CINAHL, Medline

Access here

Via "Institutional Login" link (Select University Hospitals Sussex)

Proquest bibliographic databases

Databases: PsycInfo, Medline, BNI Access here

Further information on the scope of each database can be found here.

Once you are more familiar with the platforms and the databases, you can bookmark our Accessing Online Resources page and go directly to the database of your choice in the journals, articles and books section.

Further help

Please contact us if you need advice, or have any further questions.