Our advanced trauma and life support (ATLS) course is held at the Royal Sussex County Hospital twice yearly.
The course is open to all grades of doctor at F2 level and above. It is regrettable that if you are a doctor from overseas you will not be considered for places on the course.
Dates and location
Details of the next course will be posted here when available.
Allocation of places
Places are not allocated on a first come first served basis. This is done by a short listing process by the faculty director approximately two months before the course date.
Cancellation and fees
In the event that you have been offered a place and subsequently find that you are unable to attend for any reason please give as much notice as possible so that the place can be re-allocated. Failure to give 21 days notice prior to the course start date will result in a 50% charge of the course fee.
Cheques enclosed with application form will not be banked until you have been offered a place on the course and you have confirmed you would like to attend. In the event of you not being offered a place on the course, your application form and cheque will be shredded.
How to apply
Please email k.teague@nhs.net for an application form.
Return your form and cheque via post to:
Katie Teague, ATLS Course Administrator
The Medical Education Department, Audrey Emerton Building, The Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton, BN2 5BE
Please note it is regretted that receipt of application forms cannot be acknowledged by telephone, email or letter.
If you have any queries please contact Katie Teague on 01273 523378 or k.teague@nhs.net
Our Care for the critically ill surgical patient (CCrISP) course is held at the Princess Royal Hospital once a year.
The course is open to doctors at Core Surgical Training level and above.
Dates and location
29+30 June 2021, Princess Royal Hospital in Haywards Heath
Booking a place
Places can be booked once the course is advertised on the Royal College of Surgeons web pages. To secure your place you will be asked to provide your debit/credit card details. The full amount will be charged to your card in the week commencing 11th January 2021.
Cancellation and fees
In the event that you are unable to attend, please give us as much notice as possible, so your place can be re-allocated. Please note that if you have to cancel you attendance the following terms and conditions apply:
Cancellation before 11th January 2021:
Course fees will be returned minus £50.00 administration fee. If you are in receipt of any course materials these must be returned prior to any refund.
Cancellation after 11th January 2021:
We will try to re-allocate your place and if we can, your course fees will be returned minus £50.00 administration fee. If you are in receipt of any course materials these must be returned prior to any refund. If we are unable to re-allocate your place we refund 50% of the course fee.
If you have any queries please contact Amelia Amon on 01444 441881 ext 5832 or amelia.amon@nhs.net
We run MRCP(UK) Part 2 Clinical Examination PACES (Practical Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills) at the Royal Sussex County Hospital once a year.
Royal Sussex County Hospital
Booking a place
Places can be booked via the MRCP(UK) https://www.mrcpuk.org/mrcpuk-examinations/paces
If you have any queries please contact Katie Teague on 01273 523378 or k.teague@nhs.net
We run our one-day Thoracic Ultrasound Course in co-operation with HEE-KSS at the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton once a year.
The course is aimed at trainees from all specialties and designed to help doctors achieve Level 1 competency. Priority will be given to trainees at level ST3+.
Dates and location
Details of the next course will be posted here when available.
Cancellation and fees
To secure a place on the course a £50 refundable deposit is required.
If you have any queries please contact Katie Teague on 01273 523378 or k.teague@nhs.net
This e-learning video provides an introduction to human factors in healthcare and is open to all healthcare staff.
‘Human factors’ is the science of improving performance by understanding individual/team behaviour and cognitive biases, and redesigning the clinical systems/environment to reflect this – and so improve patient safety.
Duration: 14 minutes
On completion, we will email you a certificate for your CPD/portfolio.
To access the video, please provide the following details:
This one day workshop provides an introduction to human factors in healthcare and is open to all healthcare staff.
1 day, including optional ‘train the trainer’ session.
This course is open to all healthcare staff (clinical and non-clinical, of all disciplines and levels of seniority).
Course overview
Whether in direct care or support roles, we all have to make difficult decisions in dynamic, intense, often unpredictable circumstances. Although the goal is to ensure patients/service users always receive safe, effective, high quality care, like all humans healthcare staff are fallible and will make errors regardless of how experienced, committed and careful we are.
Learning from other safety-critical environments, we now understand that the design and complexity of the healthcare systems we work in (eg. work spaces, equipment, procedures and processes, team functioning, communication, organisational culture) all affect the likelihood that errors will occur and harm patients.
‘Human factors’ is the science of improving performance by understanding individual/team behaviour and cognitive biases, and redesigning the clinical systems/environment to reflect this – and so improve patient safety.
Course content
This interactive course is led by Dr Rob Galloway (Consultant in Emergency Medicine). It covers:
- The principles of ‘human factors’ – why errors occur.
- Human cognitive biases (eg. in memory, reasoning, decision-making).
- Practical skills/tools to improve individual/team performance and patient safety.
- An optional ‘train the trainer’ session.
Feedback from previous attendees
- ‘Why hasn’t anything like this been taught before?’
- ‘Everyone felt it’s had a massive impact on how they look at their patients and their care.’
- ‘I was completely inspired to change the focus of my teaching away from the practical skill towards the more subtle but much more important world of human factors.’
- ‘I was so inspired by the workshop – I realised that actually performing the skill (eg. a forceps delivery) is the ‘easy’ part; it’s the teamworking that’s harder to teach and therefore the part that we should be teaching more.’
- ‘Whatever grade you are, from housekeeper to chief exec, each role is just as important… Respect is key.’
- ‘If we’d been taught about human factors before, it would have completely shaped our clinical practice over our careers.’
BSUH staff:
Please note that although this event is free for BSUH staff, a deposit of £50 is taken and will be refunded on attendance. Non-attendance or cancellations made less than seven days before the event without a valid reason will be charged. Deposit payments can also be made against a departmental cost code.
Non-BSUH staff: £50
Euan Keat Education Centre at Princess Royal Hospital in Haywards Heath.
Dates and booking
Visit Eventbrite to view course dates and to book a place.
Contact for further information
- bsuh.simPRH@nhs.net
- 01444 441 881 extn. 5832 (office hours only)
Every year the Euan Keat Education Centre presents a series of ten Grand Rounds about developments in medical research and practices. The educational lectures are aimed at and open to all clinical staff.
Venue: Euan Keat Education Centre, Princess Royal Hospital
Presentation: 1-2pm
Lunch: 12.30-1pm
Videos of previous lectures
You can view some of our previous lectures via our Vimeo account.
Schedule of upcoming events
If you have any queries about the PRH Grand Round or would like to receive email notifications for upcoming lectures, please contact Thomas.Dallman@nhs.net