Submitted by Susie
Consultant Microbiologist
It all began on March 23rd
When we couldn’t believe what we heard
Recent news was everything viral
Leading us to a downward spiral
We were forced like Europe into lockdown
By a virus sporting a spiky crown
Already we’d been told to home school
Which had initially felt almost cool
Ideally all had to work from home
Shopping to find no flour, to be done alone
No chance of going to a party or wedding
Or seeing parents with the virus spreading
Exercise but once a day
And only with household members stay
We miss our sports, football, hockey and tennis
This has really turned out to be a menace!
A silver lining that lockdown dictated
Ensured time with the family was obligated.
There’s so many new hobbies like going for a jog,
Baking bread or writing a blog
Where once the garden was full of weeds
Now it’s raked and sown with seeds.
The cars now look bright and even posher
Following their clean with the pressure washer.
We’ve mastered many new phrases and words
For example immunity is good in herds.
COVID-19 was an unknown word
And social distancing, would have been quite absurd
And think of those put out to furlough
Now sitting at home drinking Merlot
Social evenings are held on Zoom
Being together, not in the same room
For many there’s been heartache and pain
And they know life will never be the same
Thursdays deliver the NHS clap
Along with all key workers a slap on the back
VE Day celebrations were somewhat muted
As the 2 metre rule couldn’t be disputed
However, it made us ponder on the hardships of war
And how we are really not so poor
Is the end nigh, now we’re in May?
Is there a vaccine on the way?
We hope to stay fit and take new rules in our stride
We’ll make our actions something to pride
Surprising benefits may be unfurled
In this distinctly upside down world
And when we emerge to something more formal
Who knows life may be better in this new normal?