On Wednesday 02 November 2016 the wards from the Jubilee Building will move to the newly opened Courtyard Building. It meets the latest hospital standards and the wards will remain there until their new homes are ready in the redevelopment’s permanent buildings.
The Courtyard Building can take twenty two patients across its three floors. Eighteen of the patients will have individual, en-suite rooms with the others in a large, four-bedded bay. The Clinical Infection Service wards will be on Courtyard levels 6 & 7. The Cancer Service ward will be on Courtyard level 8.
The Courtyard Building is located on level 6 of the County Hospital site next to the Thomas Kemp Tower. Its entrance opens onto the covered walkway on level 6 which forms part of the pedestrian link between the Thomas Kemp Tower and the Millennium Wing.
Once the wards have moved the Jubilee Building will be handed over to our main contractors, Laing O’Rourke. The Jubilee Building is the most complex structure that has to be taken down to make way for Stage 1 of the 3Ts Redevelopment.
Opening the Courtyard Building is a genuine step forward. It offers a real improvement in the care environment for patients and staff and gives a taste of what will be possible in the 3Ts permanent buildings.