When the first crane for the redevelopment of the Royal Sussex County Hospital was set up on the roof of the Thomas Kemp Tower, it quickly became known as Lofty, for obvious reasons. But the cranes that labour below it are known simply as TC2, TC3 and TC4. With the final crane, TC5, due on site in the coming weeks, it is time to right this wrong. Now is the chance to Name Your Crane!
We are looking for names for three cranes. The fourth one, closest to the Children’s Hospital, will be named by one of our young patients, in a separate competition.
It’s easy to make a suggestion:
Facebook: Go to the Name Your Crane post on our Facebook page and leave a comment. Don’t forget to like the page so you can get updates on the competition.
Twitter: Tweet @BSUH_NHS with your suggestion including the hashtag #nameyourcrane. Make sure you follow us to be kept up to date about the competition and other news from BSUH.
Instagram: Got to our Instagram page (https://www.instagram.com/BSUHNHSTrust/) and leave a comment under the Name Your Crane post. Follow us to keep up to date with the competition and the latest images from the redevelopment and our hospitals.
Email: Email your suggestion to nameyourcrane@bsuh.nhs.uk
The closing date for suggestions is Friday 9th March. A short list, selected from all the suggestions, will be put out to public vote to decide the final winners. Each crane will have a plaque attached bearing its new name.
How do you maximise the chance of getting your suggestion on the short list? Imagination, humour and originality will all stand you in good stead. And let’s get it out there right now, Craney McCraneface will not make the short list; it fails on all three criteria.
Good luck to all, and may the best name win.