It was a beautiful moment within a very weird situation…

Submitted by Marianne

In the early days of the pandemic in spring 2020, all partners were banned from attending scans and antenatal appts. This meant we had a lot of very extra anxious women and people, especially those having their first baby. Most felt that having their partner present at their scans was a really important part of their pregnancy so they were saddened by this, but understood why.

One morning I had an extremely nervous woman who had had a previous miscarriage, so was so teary and nervous. I did the best I could to reassure her and talk to her before the ultrasound, but it was clear she really missed her partner’s support. On scanning the first thing we found was that she was expecting twins!!

It was a lovely moment. She couldn’t believe it so once we were finished she ran upstairs and outside to show her partner the scan photo. As he wasn’t present she was worried he wouldn’t believe her! It was a beautiful moment within a very weird situation.

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