June 2020 UPDATE: Given the rules on social distancing each Board took the decision to suspend public board meetings during this period. The Board has also taken the decision recognising the demands on the Trust and Executive Management to focus Board meetings on receiving updates on key matters and taking key decisions that cannot be delayed.
Each Trust recognises the interest in the NHS during this period and each Trust is keen to keep the Public informed of the matters it discussed and report the key decisions it has taken (recognising that some elements of any contractual decision would not be disclosed). The Boards for BSUH and WSHFT met at the same time to help streamline governance through this challenging time so commentary below refers to both Trusts unless otherwise described. The meeting in June remained a private Board receiving in the main verbal updates and presentations.
APRIL 2020 UPDATE: You’ll know that we hold some of our Board of Director meetings in public. In responding to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we’ve had to put different arrangements in place – to make sure we were role modelling national government guidance for social distancing.
So instead of everyone being around the Board table, we held our meeting virtually, without any observers, to protect everyone from the risk of infection. There were fewer items discussed and some Board business was only raised on an exception basis.
To continue our approach as an open organisation we’ve shared the key messages from the Board in a short briefing. Along with the approved minutes from the Public Board meeting held on the 29 January 2020. These can be found below.