NHS70 Quiz 3rd July 2018 neilh July 3, 2018 Den här filen går inte att öppna eftersom JavaScript är inte aktiverat i din webbläsare. Aktivera och läs in igen.NHS70 Quiz How well do you know your NHS? Try this fun quiz, created by volunteers from Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Trust to test your brain!This quiz is just for fun - we're using the Google Forms tool to host the quiz for us and it does record answers but no other details at all.Logga in på Google för att spara förloppet. Läs mer* Anger obligatorisk frågaWhen was the Bowel Cancer Screening programme introduced? *1 punkt198619962006When was Britain's first heart transplant? *1 punkt195819681978When was the NHS Friends and Family Test launched? *1 punkt199320032013When was the first full hip replacement? *1 punkt195219621972When were CT Scans introduced? *1 punkt197219821992When was the HPV vaccination programme launched? *1 punkt199820082018When was the first UK kidney transplant? *1 punkt196019701980When was breast screening introduced? *1 punkt197819881998When did the first UK person have a hand transplant? *1 punkt199220022012When was the first baby born as a result of IVF on the NHS? *1 punkt195819681978SkickaSidan 1 av 1Rensa formuläretDet här innehållet har varken skapats eller godkänts av Google. - Användarvillkor - IntegritetspolicyDoes this form look suspicious? Rapport Formulär