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QEF Neuro Rehabilitation Services

Queen Elizabeth’s Foundation for Disabled People (QEF) is a national disability charity based in Surrey. We have more than 80 years’ experience of developing innovative services which support people with disabilities to increase their independence and achieve their goals in life.

We provide support for adults with physical, cognitive and/or communication disabilities, as a result of an acquired brain injury, stroke or neurological illness. This may also include mild to moderate behavioural problems.
We work closely with families and everyone involved with an individual’s long term care, helping them with the transition home or on to supported living, back to education or work.

Our outpatient services offer therapy and local home visits for people with neurological disabilities. We have a diverse range of one-to-one support programmes, tailored to help improve cognitive, communication, physical, social and functional abilities.

Contact Details


01737 356222


Brain Injury Centre, Banstead Place, Park Road, Banstead, Surrey SM7 3EE

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