After Trauma is a website that connects and supports survivors of traumatic injury and their families.
After Trauma aims to provide a community for patients and families to rebuild lives and support each other after experiencing a traumatic injury. The website also contains information and resources to help survivors and families on the recovery journey.
After Trauma is supported and maintained by the Centre for Trauma Sciences in London. However, the information provided has come from clinicians and support services working in trauma services around the UK.
AfterTrauma have developed the AfterTrauma recovery app (for both iOS and Android), with added interactive e-health features, that will better support and motivate trauma survivors after they leave hospital. See for more information.
The App is based on the principles of supported self-management. Supported self-management programs aim to educate people about their health condition and care, motivate them to care for themselves in the best possible way (eg coaching, goal setting), and provide them with techniques and tools to enable them to do that (eg connecting with peers).
The app was developed because there were previously no apps to help people in the UK to recover from the severe physical and psychological effects of major injuries.