Substance use

Please do get in touch if you have any concerns about drug or alcohol use.

The One Stop Clinic is here to answer your questions and provide care and support for you if you have any issues around drug and alcohol use. You may want to have all your antenatal care with us, or you may just want some help and advice over the phone, or to come in for a one-off appointment. We’re not here to judge you – we just want you to have the best possible pregnancy care, and your baby to have the best possible start in life.

We know it may take courage, but it is always best to tell us, (or your midwife or your GP if you prefer) if you have used any drugs or alcohol during pregnancy. We can then provide the best possible care for you and your baby. We’re here to help you as much as we can. We can help you if you have used alcohol, street drugs and/or prescribed drugs, at any time during pregnancy, or want to talk about any use in the past.

We have midwives, doctors and other specialists in the clinic. We offer an open-access service and can help you deal with any issues surrounding your drug and alcohol use.

No appointment is necessary, and you can self-refer, but it helps if you can call us first.


Anna Ferguson – Specialist Midwife

One Stop Clinics

Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton

  • 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month
  • 2pm to 3.30pm

Princess Royal Hospital, Haywards Heath

  • 1st Thursday of every month
  • 2pm to 3.30pm

Other local support

Brighton Oasis Project

A welcoming and friendly environment with childcare facilities. Oasis provides a service for women for help, advice and support with substance use.

Drop-in: Mon, Tues, Wed and Fri 1.15pm to 3pm

Pavilions, Brighton and Hove Drug and Alcohol Service

  • Pavilions, Richmond Road, Brighton, BN2 3RL
  • 01273 731900, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
  • 24hr helpline: 0800 0149819


Young persons substance misuse service

Online help, support and information

Think Drink Drugs – support services in Kent and Sussex