Updating your library membership

NHS staff and students, and those affiliated to the NHS, are eligible to use the Library and Knowledge Service.

Library terms and conditions [doc]

Private membership

Membership re-registration form

  • Your details

  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • KnowledgeShare personalised current awareness

    If you are already receiving our targeted evidence updates from KnowledgeShare and would like to update your interests you can log in to the site with your Open Athens username and password: www.knowledgeshare.nhs.uk. If you would like sign up for evidence updates, please list your professional interests below:
  • (e.g. Stroke, Diabetes, Alcohol Misuse )
  • (e.g. Education, Patient Safety, Leadership)
  • (e.g. GP Surgery, Hospital ward, Population Health)
  • You will initially receive a wide range of publication types. Once you start receiving updates, let us know if you would like to focus on a particular type of publication or evidence level.
  • Privacy Notice and Membership Declaration

    We are committed to safeguarding your information. The information you supply will be used to contact you about services or resources you have requested from the Library and Knowledge Service. For further information on how we keep your information secure, and your rights to access it, read our full Privacy Policy and the KnowledgeShare Privacy Policy.
  • We will also contact you occasionally by email to:
    • Send you information about the LKS and new publications in health and social care
    • Notify you if you are invited to join a community of practice
    • Recommend colleagues to you who share your professional interests
    You may change your settings at any time by logging in to KnowledgeShare (using your NHS OpenAthens account).
    *Membership to KnowledgeShare is restricted to staff and students eligible for an NHS OpenAthens account.
  • Your declaration:
    I apply to renew membership of the Library and Knowledge Service and agree to abide by the LKS terms and conditions. I have read the privacy notice and understand that my data will be used in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (2018) in library systems used to deliver knowledge and library services to the NHS.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.