The UHMLG (University Health and Medical Librarians Group) 2022 Spring Forum ‘’All Aboard! Destination: Inclusive Teaching‘ brought together a range of speakers to discuss topics in the arena of pedagogy in librarianship, with a particular focus on inclusivity.
The conference spanned two half days (7 – 8 April 2022) and included a presentation by our own Yannis Vatis & Efterpi Emmanouilidou from the UHSussex TEL team.
Their session was entitled ‘How to Make Hybrid Teaching a Better Experience for You and Your Learners’. In it, Yannis and Efterpi showed how to use simple tools and best practices to help facilitators make hybrid teaching engaging for learners regardless of their location.
You can watch their presentation here.
All the videos from the conference are available here.
If you’d like to know more on using Technology Enhanced Learning in your teaching, contact the TEL teams:
- UHSussex TEL:
- Brighton & Sussex Medical School TEL: