Ben Skinner is the Head of Libraries, Knowledge and Learning Technology for BSUH and BSMS. His job is to work with staff in our team and with colleagues across the local healthcare community to shape the services we offer. Ben makes sure we have the staff and resources we need, raises awareness of the impact we have, and helps to solve problems as they crop up day to day.
Ben also works as part of the Directorate of Education and Knowledge at BSUH and chairs the Trust’s Education and Knowledge Board. He co-created the KnowledgeShare system that provides staff with evidence services, now being licensed to more than a hundred NHS organisations in England and Wales.
“My favourite part of the job is hearing back from clinicians, managers, students and academics about how members of our team have informed care or improved quality. How they have co-authored publications, explained a tricky concept well, helped consultants make a diagnosis, responded quickly to a request for help, or worked with an educator to make teaching more interactive and engaging. I do my best to share these examples through our reports and promotion so that everyone inside and outside the team knows what a difference we can make.”
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