Resources for doctors

Here’s just a selection of the rich resources to support doctors throughout their training and career. Explore our full range via our website:

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Tate P. The doctor’s communication handbook. 8th ed. 2020

Kopelman P. Handbook of Clinical Skills. 2nd ed. 2020

Rowe L. Every doctor: healthier doctors=healthier patients.2019

Watson P. The junior doctor survival guide. 2017

Ladds E. Essential clinical handbook for the foundation programme: a comprehensive guide for foundation doctors. 3rd ed. 2017

Peterkin A.  Staying human during the Foundation Programme and beyond. 2017


Raine T. Oxford handbook for the foundation programme. 5th ed. 2018

Irfan M. The hands-on guide to clinical reasoning in medicine. 2019


American Journal of Medicine

British Journal of Hospital Medicine

British Medical Journal

Evidence-Based Medicine

JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association

Journal of Medical Ethics

The Lancet

Medical Teacher

Postgraduate Medical Journal

Evidence searches carried out on Doctors

We provide evidence to inform patient care, service improvement, research and clinical teaching. Recent searches we’ve provided include: 

  • Hot Debriefing after cardiac arrest/medical emergency and emotional impact on junior doctors
  • Attitudes of novice Critical Care doctors to working in Critical Care
  • Enhancing education and providing safe care in the surgical foundation programme
  • Teaching of surgical skills to medical undergraduates and junior doctors
  • Activities to address differential attainment in medical education
  • How do I know if my medical training is any good?

Web and other resources

BMJ Best Practice

Point of care decision-support.  NHS OpenAthens required offsite. Click on ‘Access through your institution’ then search for the name of your NHS trust.

UpToDate Anywhere

Point of care decision-support. Customisation available for logged-in users. Register first via BSUH Intranet. Remote access for registered users (BSUH only)


Clinical and prescribing guidelines and policies in use at BSUH. Free onsite and remote access.

Study for Exams

Online exam preparation tools are available for doctors working for, or training with, Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals. Owing to the cost of exam revision resources, these can only be issued on a one exam per person basis.