Spotlight on: PubMed library links

Brighton and Sussex Library & Knowledge Service has subscriptions to a huge range of health and medical journals. Our LKS team has now enabled links from PubMed to articles in these journals, often to the full text.

*Note: this applies only for BSUH staff and trainees.

This means that when you search PubMed, your results will now display a link to the full text of articles in any of the online journals subscribed to by Brighton and Sussex Library & Knowledge Service. If the journal is only available in print format, details on where it is held will be given. If the article is not available in full text the link will take you to a prefilled request form.

There are two ways to view the full text links on PubMed:

Follow the special link on the Library webpage

PubMed is listed under Journal Articles and Books


Link a PubMed personal account to BSUH resources

Follow the instructions below to set this up:

  • Go to and sign in (you will need to create an account if you do not already have one)
  • Click on your username and select “Account settings
  • Scroll down and select “Click here to access the NCBI Site Preferences page”

  • In PubMed Preferences (second type of preferences) select “Outside Tool

  • Browse the alphabetical list and select Brighton and Sussex NHS Library and Knowledge Service. Scroll back up to the top of the list and click on the “Save” button.

  • To return to PubMed, click on the NCBI logo in the top left of the screen and then select PubMed from the list of popular resources

When you view results on PubMed, a link to Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust will be displayed on the right of the screen under Full Text Links.

Clicking on the link will do one of the following:

  • If BSUH subscribe to the full text online, or open access is available, the next screen will take you to a link toRead the full text.’ You may be prompted to enter your NHS OpenAthens username and password.

  • If we hold the journal in print format only, the link will tell you which site holds this title. You will then be redirected to the Library website where you can select the option to ‘Request an article’ if you are unable to visit the library in person.

*Please note that you must be a library member to request articles.

Contact us for advice.