Are your patient information leaflets up to date?

Do you have patient leaflets on the Trust website – or in use in your department – which may now be inaccurate? Perhaps they may show the wrong information, such as old phone numbers, names of staff who no longer work here, or even describe procedures or treatments that we no longer provide.



There are over 1,000 patient information leaflets available on the Trust website, and it’s important to make sure they are kept as current as possible.

The re-writing or re-assessment of old leaflets is a task that is often pushed to the bottom of a very long to-do list, or forgotten about altogether. This is especially the case when the author of the leaflet has left the department, or the Trust, altogether.

However, the New Year is a perfect opportunity to do a bit of leaflet housekeeping!

January 2020 is an information leaflet amnesty: you can send all your leaflets to the Patient Information Librarian.

Cecilia can help and support you to update, edit and generally beautify your leaflets.


Leaflets will be read through and assessed for readability and clarity, and sent to a panel of patient reps for assessment. They will be formatted in the Trust style and returned to the author, and uploaded onto the website if desired. The whole process should not take more than two weeks.

If you want to make a leaflet from scratch, and aren’t sure where to start, then Cecilia will guide you in this too.

For inspiration, don’t forget the patient information leaflets, produced by EIDO healthcare ….

…. and available via the intranet.



And to build a better picture of how and why we are using (or not using) patient information in the Trust, please take 5 minutes to complete our short survey.