Utilising external evidence and organisational knowledge is a self-assessment tool produced by Knowedge for Healthcare and HEE. Completing the tool together with a Library & Knowledge Services Manager will enable you to:
- assess what is working well and what more could be done
- spot practical initiatives on which librarians and knowledge specialists can lead to help you meet your objectives
- set priorities for better mobilising evidence and organisational knowledge
Although the self-assessment tool takes only 60 minutes to complete, the benefits can be long-lasting:
“Completing the Board tool has completely changed the way we will work and our use of knowledge” Ben Mearns, Chief of Medicine, Medical Division, Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust.
Health professionals in Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust used the self-assessment tool earlier this year alongside Sussex librarians. A Working Party lead by the SPFT Chief Knowledge Officer is taking forward the findings.
Contact Ben Skinner, the Head of Library & Knowledge Services if you would like to know more.