Learning at Work Week is a week-long celebration dedicated to the importance and benefits of learning and development in the workplace.
Develop your skills while you work, using the learning opportunities offered by your Library and Knowledge Service.
Join us in learning brand new skills or refreshing your existing ones…from finding quality health information and critically appraising the findings to getting the most out of social media and using technologies in your own teaching.
Sessions take place in our libraries on all sites – book your place at https://www.bsuh.nhs.uk/library/information-skills/ and bring your colleagues!
Shape your future and try an online learning course
e-Learning for Healthcare – Free e-Learning for NHS staff to educate and train the health and social care workforce https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/
National activities and special offers
Learning at Work Week’s national partners offer free special activities every year from webinars to free access to online learning that you can use to enhance your Learning at Work Week in your workplace. You can also find great offers from learning and training providers. See National activities and special offers page for more details.
Keep informed on new developments
Save yourself time and ensure you are up-to-date on the latest developments in health care by signing up to KnowledgeShare, our current awareness service which is tailored to your interests and emailed to you at intervals of your choosing.
It also links you with colleagues in other trusts to enable sharing of research and best practice.
Information at your fingertips
Register for an NHS OpenAthens password to benefit from the online information tools we provide, ranging from point of care decision support, medicines information, health journals and statistics to clinical images, exam preparation and information to give to your patients.
Explore the full range on our website.
Remember we offer great opportunities throughout the year to help you enrich your knowledge. Contact us for more information.