Celebrating AHP Day


15 October is the first Allied Health Professionals Day, giving the opportunity to celebrate, appreciate and recognise the extraordinary work of the AHP workforce.

Here’s just a selection of the rich resources we provide to support therapists in rehabilitation. Explore our full range via our website: https://www.bsuh.nhs.uk/library/

NHS OpenAthens password required for online resources; register here: http://openathens.nice.org.uk/



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Web and other resources


Database of Allied health and complementary medicine journal articles; available with NHS Open Athens password.

Anatomy. TV

Anatomy and physiology online, including interactive 3D models and narrated animations.

Allied Health Professions

NHS England website exploring the potential and role of AHPs within the health, social and wider care system.  Discover and learn which professions make up the 14 varied AHP roles, including a brief summary of each.

Allied health professions

 HEE website with links to networks and Allied Health Professionals tool.

Evidence searches carried out on rehabilitation

Occupational therapy/therapists and sensory integration

Decision-making in discharge and rehabilitation of stroke patients

Physiotherapy respiratory management of spinal cord injury patients

Occupational therapy as an early intervention for dementia

What speech and language therapy is evidenced in acute stroke?

Good practice in Adult Speech and Language Therapy and Community Dietetics

Outcomes following rehab for children with head injuries

Keep up to date

KSSave yourself time and ensure you are up-to-date on the latest developments with KnowledgeShare, our award-winning current awareness service.

It links with colleagues in other trust to enable sharing of research and best practice in allied health professions.
Log in with your NHS OpenAthens account.

Contact us for more information, and do enjoy your day!