
Here’s just a selection of the rich resources we offer to support Mindfulness. Explore our full range via our website: https://www.bsuh.nhs.uk/library/

Electronic resources require an NHS OpenAthens password; register here: http://openathens.nice.org.uk/


Crane R

Crane R. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy: distinctive features 2017

Dunkley C

Dunkley C. Using mindfulness skills in everyday life: a practical guide 2017

Epstein R

Epstein R. Attending: medicine, mindfulness, and humanity 2017

Day MA

Day M. A. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for chronic pain: a clinical manual and guide 2017

Oelofsen N

Oelofsen N. Finding my professional heart: a brief guide to compassionate care and mindfulness for practitioners  2016

Dobkin PL

Dobkin P. L. Mindful medical practitioners: a guide for clinicians and educators 2016

Chapman-Clarke M

Chapman-Clarke M. Mindfulness at work pocketbook 2015

Davis L

Davis L. Meditations for healing trauma: mindfulness skills to ease post-traumatic stress 2016

Martins C

Martins C. Mindfulness-based interventions for older adults 2014

Teasdale J

Teasdale J. The mindful way workbook: an 8-week program to free yourself from depression and emotional distress 2014


Mindfulness journal

Mindfulness  (Sussex Partnership NHS OpenAthens password required)

Evidence searches

We provide evidence to inform patient care, service improvement, research and clinical teaching. Recent searches we’ve provided on Mindfulness include:

The impact of mindfulness parenting interventions

Mindfulness in schools

Mindfulness with people with cancer and with carers of people with cancer

Use of mindfulness interventions in foster care/looked after children

Mindfulness for trauma

Teaching mindfulness in postgraduate medical education

Mindfulness based interventions for medical staff/students/trainee doctors

Mindfulness in pregnancy

Mindfulness-based interventions with a complex psychiatric population

Web and other resources

UpToDate topics on Mindfulness

UpToDate is an evidence-based, physician-authored clinical decision support resource which synthesizes the most recent medical information into recommendations to improve patient care and quality. (BSUH NHS OpenAthens password required; also available via the BSUH Trust Intranet.)

NHS Choices Mindfulness

This website helps people make choices about their health including finding and using NHS services. It also incorporates NHS Direct.