Tom Roper and Igor Brbre are our clinical librarians and work closely with management teams to ensure evidence is integrated into service improvement.
Nick Groves, Associate Director (3Ts/Service Modernisation), has this to say in acknowledgement of their contribution:
“We’ve used the BSUH Clinical Librarian service to support 15+ management projects (in particular workforce/pathway/service redesign) and have hugely benefitted. It’s made sure we’re drawing on all the available literature/evidence in designing our programmes, and has helped us identify where there’s a dearth – so opportunities to publish and contribute our learning.
“The whole service is designed to make it as easy and time-efficient as possible for the user: best search terms means fewer less relevant studies; summaries and hyperlinks to quickly access key documents; and advice on reliability and key themes in the literature overall.
“More than just a ‘service’, the Clinical Librarian has become a critical part of our core Project Teams, providing ongoing advice, support and (as needed) training for new Project Managers. It has absolutely converted any sceptical managers about the practical value of literature searches.”
Nick Groves – Associate Director (3Ts/Service Modernisation), Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust