We’re celebrating another NHS birthday today at Mill View Hospital. 20 years ago, in June 1998 as the NHS was celebrating its 50th anniversary, a brand new hospital opened in Hove. The new purpose-built hospital was part of an £11 million development, and was designed to provide “care in calm surroundings” for adult patients with mental health problems.
Patients were moved to Mill View Hospital from Freshfield Mental Health Centre at Brighton General Hospital and from New Sussex Hospital in Brighton. The patients had their own rooms which was a great improvement on the old dormitory style wards they were used to, and the hospital had facilities including activities rooms, a kitchen and gardens which the staff and patients could enjoy.
Since then, Mill View Hospital has expanded, with the building of Phase 2 of the hospital in 2001, and of the Sussex Education Centre in 2006 which is home to a library with PCs, journals and texts for Sussex Partnership Trust staff, trainees and students.
Staff and patients are celebrating today with a birthday BBQ and cake competition. We wish them a very happy birthday!