Brighton and Sussex NHS Library and Knowledge Service at #HLG2018: five go to Keele

The two-yearly conference of British health librarians, organised by the Health Libraries Group,  takes place on Thursday and Friday 14th and 15th June at Keele University and Brighton and Sussex NHS Library and Knowledge Service are well represented in the programme.

Rachel Playforth, Assistant Librarian (Knowledge Management), presents a paper she and Clinical Librarian Igor Brbre have written, on literature searching peer review in practice: enhancing the skills of searchers, describing and analysing our system of peer review of evidence searches. We are one of the few library services to use peer review to maintain search quality and consistency.

Kevin Burgoyne will talk on the theme Help! I’m a Primary Care Librarian, offering his advice and experience to those setting up library and knowledge services to primary care and commissioners.

Tom Roper, Clinical Librarian, will help facilitate a Knowledge Café on social media and collaborative tools, and will present a paper on the highly successful #ukmedlibs Twitter chats he organises with two colleagues from other library services.

As well as delivering their papers, our delegates, with the addition of Ben Skinner, Head of Library and Knowledge Services and Cecelia Schwartzman, Assistant Librarian at the Royal Sussex County Hospital, will be listening to presentations from librarians from around Britain, looking for lessons and good practice they can bring back to apply locally.

You can follow the conference on Twitter with the hashtag #HLG2018, and some of the plenary sessions are being live-streamed.