Working with SPFT CAGs

Over the last few years Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust has introduced Trust-wide Clinical Academic Groups (CAGs) to evaluate and inform evidence-based practice.

There are CAGs for Psychosis, Mood and Anxiety Disorders, Complex Emotional Difficulties (personality disorders), Later Life and Dementia, Children and Young People, Learning Disabilities and Neurobehavioural Disorders, and Forensic Health.

The CAGs are responsible for ensuring that staff know the most effective interventions and approaches for people with particular needs, and that clear information is provided to patients and families about what they can expect from care services.

Our Mental Health Specialist Librarian, Amy Dunn, regularly attends CAG meetings to help ensure evidence-based improvement in care delivery services. We provide the CAGs with updates on library resources, ensure that CAG members receive etocs (electronic tables of content) and evidence updates via KnowledgeShare, and carry out evidence searches to help inform what ‘standard care’ within the Trust should look like. Searches that Amy has carried out for the CAGs include:

  • National drivers and guidance relating to functional mental health in old age
  • The use of enhanced observations in mental health inpatient services
  • Carers’ involvement in forensic mental health services
  • The use of Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) in CAMHS services
  • Resilience in informal/family caregivers of people with dementia
  • Social and occupational interventions in Forensic Services

Evidence search collage

To request an evidence search visit

For more information contact Amy.