To paraphrase Paul Simon’s well-known song, there are indeed many ways to use your library. For example,
You could be creating a new Trust-wide policy:
“I needed to prepare a policy document about storage of medicines and could not find much research to support it. The research you provided was cited in my policy, which will ensure that staff will not use medicines stored outside a temperature range that could have made them ineffective or even harmful.”
Clinical Pharmacist, Sussex Community
Or sharing best practice with clinical colleagues:
“We needed evidence for the creation of a new policy related to local anaesthetic infusions for acute pain patients. All the references were helpful in developing the policy, which is now shared trust-wide through the intranet and will reduce risk and improve the quality of pain management. I am also writing a chapter in a book and using some of the references.”
Clinical Nurse Specialist, Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals
Perhaps you’re commissioning services and maximising savings:
“I needed to identify best practice around spirometry screening for COPD. I had already searched the internet but not come up with much.
The comprehensive research you provided was used to cost and commission a local service and ensured that guidance given was up-to-date and accurate. This will impact on patient care and helped to identify a benchmark, therefore enabling us to maximise savings.
As a commissioner I found it incredibly helpful, and time-saving.”
Clinical Commissioning Manager, Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG
Interested? Request an evidence search today using our online request form or contact us for more details.