On 24 April the winner of the 2017 Wellcome book prize will be announced. Our libraries at the Royal Sussex County and Princess Royal hospitals have copies of nearly all the books on the shortlist, and many of the long list too. Please find details below; links will take you to the online catalogue, SouthEastLibrarySearch.
de Kerangal, Maylis
Mend the Living
London: Quercus Publishing, 2016
France, David
How to Survive a Plague: The story of how activists and scientists tamed AIDS
New York: Picador, 2016
Kalanithi, A
When Breath Becomes Air
London: The Bodley Head, 2016
Moss, Sarah
The Tidal Zone
London: Granta, 2017 (on order)
Mukherjee, Siddharta
The Gene: an intimate history
London: The Bodley Head, 2016
Yong, Ed
I Contain Multitudes: the microbes within us and a grander view of life
London: The Bodley Head, 2016