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Discharge advice for patients following the closure of your PFO, ASD or LAAO

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What happened during this procedure?

A small hole was made in the vein, in the groin, at the top of the leg. This area will naturally heal itself.

How should I care for my wound at home?

After the procedure you should have a quiet evening resting. You may eat and drink as normal but do not drink alcohol. If you are a day patient someone should stay overnight with you.

You should remove the dressing and shower the day after your procedure. You do not need to replace the dressing. Avoid hot baths for three days (hot water encourages bleeding).

Will my wound hurt?

Most people do not have any pain or discomfort following the procedure. If, however, you feel any discomfort from the puncture site, you may find taking simple painkillers such as paracetamol will help. If significant pain occurs at the area, consult the hospital (see below for contact details).

What signs should I look out for?

Keep an eye on the wound site over the next few days.

In the highly unlikely situation of your wound starting to bleed excessively, lie down flat and get a family member or friend to apply pressure to your groin.

If the bleeding does not stop within ten minutes, call an ambulance immediately.

If a lump starts to develop which is larger than the size of a 50p coin, lie down flat and get a family member or friend to apply pressure to your groin.

Should I limit my activities?

  • Do not lift any heavy objects for one week. Resuming normal levels of exercise should be a gradual approach; if unsure check with your doctor first.
  • You should arrange to take approximately one week off work, although this can vary depending on the type of job you do and the type of procedure you have had.
  • If you have a manual job which involves heavy lifting we would advise you to take a full week off. You should speak to your employer about your return to work.

When can I drive again?

We advise you do not drive for three days after your PFO, ASD or LAA closure. This is to allow the small hole in your groin to heal properly.

What if I need other surgery or dental procedures?

You must inform doctors and dentists that you have had a hole in your heart closed before any further surgical or dental procedures. It is important as they may require you to have antibiotics before any procedure over the next six months. You should always have regular dental check up, every six months.

What happens next?

A detailed report will be sent to your GP. If the hospital doctor would like to see you again in the outpatients clinic, an appointment will be sent out to you through the post.

Contact details for the Cardiac Care Unit.

If you have any concerns about your wound site, or specific to your cardiac procedure during your first week at home, please contact us.

Telephone number: 01273 696955, extension 4484. You can call this number at any time.

For more general concerns, please contact your GP.

Patient advice and liaison service (PALS).

We recognise that coming to hospital can sometimes be difficult and we are here to help, should you need it.

If you have any issues or concerns about your care it is always best to speak initially to the person in charge of the ward or department. If you’re not happy with their response, please do get in touch with PALS.


The information in this leaflet is for guidance purposes only and is in no way intended to replace professional clinical advice by a qualified practitioner.

Publication Date: August 2020

Review Date: May 2023

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