Long term steroid hormone replacement therapy


Hydrocortisone ‘sick day rules’: what are ‘sick day rules’? ‘Sick day rules’ give you advice about how to manage your usual tablet treatment if you are ill for another reason (for example, if you have ‘flu’). What is hydrocortisone?Hydrocortisone is similar to cortisol, one of the body’s natural steroid hormones (chemical messengers). Cortisol is produced by the adrenal glands just …

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Insulin stress test (insulin tolerance test)


Why do I need this test? Your doctor has recommended that you take this test to help with the diagnosis and the management of your condition. Please would you read this carefully and ask us about anything that is not clear or if you would like more information. What is the purpose of the test?This test will tell us if …

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Growth hormone response to an oral glucose tolerance test


Why do I need this text?Your doctor has recommended that you take this test to help with the diagnosis and the management of your condition. Please would you read this carefully and ask us about anything that is not clear or if you would like more information. What is the purpose of the test? This test is used to check …

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Graves disease


What is the thyroid?The thyroid is a gland in the front of the neck which makes thyroid hormone. Hormones are chemical messengers produced by your glands and carried in the blood. Thyroid hormone controls the body’s metabolism (use of energy). What is Graves’ disease?Graves’ disease is an over activity of the thyroid gland, named after a Dr Graves. It is …

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GHRH-arginine test


Why do I need this test? Your doctor has recommended that you take this test to help with the diagnosis and the management of your condition. Please would you read this carefully and ask us about anything that is not clear or if you would like more information. What is the purpose of the test?This test is used to assess …

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Dexamethasone CRH test


Why do I need to take this test? Your doctor has recommended that you take this test to help with the diagnosis and the management of your condition. Please would you read this carefully and ask us about anything that is not clear or if you would like more information. What is the purpose of the test? This test will …

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Carbimazole propylthiouracil (PTU) warning


To the patient: warning- please read this now.Carbimazole/PTU treatment and sore mouth/throat. You have been started on carbimazole treatment for an overactive thyroid. This is a very safe treatment that has been used for over 50 years. However, very rarely, a patient reacts to the drug with a sudden loss of white blood cells (‘neutrophils’) from the blood. This puts …

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Cabergoline treatment


Why has my doctor recommended cabergoline treatment? Cabergoline is a tablet treatment used to reduce the production of a hormone called prolactin by the pituitary gland (a gland at the base of the brain). If you have a prolactinoma (overproduction of prolactin by a cluster of cells in the pituitary), cabergoline treatment is also used to shrink the size of …

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