BSUH has been rated better than the national average in every area of a national survey assessing services for young people with diabetes.
The completely confidential online survey, managed by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, provides results of Patient and Parent Experience Measures (PREMS) for children and young people with diabetes in England and Wales. The online questionnaire was completed for 58 children and young people who are supported by the children’s diabetes team at BSUH about the care they received at our hospitals.
The BSUH results are extremely positive and show the amount of trust patients and families have put in our children’s diabetes team. Clinical Lead for this service Dr Shankar Kanumakala, said: “All team members work collectively with the children, their families, schools and nurseries around the clock to manage their diabetes in a safe manner. We are overwhelmed by the trust and respect shown by our patients and families. These results are simply superb and all staff involved should feel very proud of their contributions.”
What they said: BSUH’s scores from the survey included:
• 100% strongly agreed or agreed with: “My diabetes team concentrate on finding solutions rather than on previous difficulties.”
• 100% strongly agreed or agreed with: “My clinic appointments are well organised and give me enough time to discuss everything I would like to talk about.”
• 100% strongly agreed or agreed with: “I get helpful advice from the diabetes team.”
• 97% strongly agreed or agreed with: “My diabetes team know how to talk to me and understand my situation.”
• 96% strongly agreed or agreed with: “I feel heard, respected and understood by all members of the diabetes team.”
• 96% strongly agreed or agreed with: “The team supports me to take charge of my diabetes and prepare for transfer to adult services as I get older.”
• 94% strongly agreed or agreed with: “I have the opportunity to provide feedback on my clinic experiences and any improvements that could be made.”