In the unfortunate event that you have to bring your child to A&E, you can rest assured there are lots of measures in place to ensure the safety of you both while you’re here.
Regular cleaning of waiting areas, clinical spaces and equipment, the provision of masks and hand sanitizer and social distancing rules are all in place throughout the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital in Brighton.
The children’s Emergency Department has also implemented a one parent/carer policy which means if you need to bring your child into A&E, there can only be one adult accompanying the child and no siblings.
This is to ensure we can continue to enable safe distancing in our waiting areas and reduce the number of people coming into the hospital to protect our patients and staff.
Charlie Rumary, who is the Nurse in Charge at the children’s ED at The Alex, said:
“By continuing with our one parent policy, we’re able to maintain safety for everyone in the department. Additional adults will be asked to wait outside of the department. We’re working hard to keep you and your family safe, please help us to keep staff and other patients safe too.”
All adults and children over the age of 11 will be required to wear a mask or face covering for the duration of their visit to hospital. Masks will be provided for people who do not have them.