The National Guardian’s Office (NGO) will be carrying out a review of speaking up at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, with visits to the trust planned for early in the New Year.
The purpose of the review is to support the trust to develop its speaking up culture, by identifying any areas for improvement and commending good practice, where it is found. On completion of the review the NGO will publish its findings and recommendations. At the request of the trust we are working to their timetable, so that the improvements that they are putting into place can be reflected in the report.
Dr Henrietta Hughes, the National Guardian for the NHS said, “All of our reviews of speaking up focus on the learning that can be captured, so that not only can the trust in question improve, but all trusts in England can use the recommendations to look at their own practices, processes and policies.”
Marianne Griffiths, Chief Executive of Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust added, “Helping our staff to find their voice and speak up effectively on issues which concern them is integral to our Patient First strategy, and to continually improving patient care and experience in our hospitals. It is vital that our staff feel supported in speaking out. I welcome this 2019 case review, which will be held at the height of our winter pressures, as an opportunity to identify what we are already doing well, and where we can make improvements.”