
We operate two full day care nurseries for the children of NHS staff and public sector workers: Sussex House Nursery in Brighton and Wendy House Nursery in Haywards Heath.

The nurseries provide care and education for children between the ages of six months and five years.

Our approach

Our highly skilled staff support children to reach their full potential. Our staff recognise that all children are individuals and learn and develop at different rates and stages. Through aged related, not age dependent, playrooms children engage in a rich curriculum where individual interests and development is well supported through planned activities.

We offer a wide range of learning experiences through sensory, creativity and social engagement, supported through the early years foundation stage areas of learning.

Children are encouraged to become independent learners by having accessibility to resources through inside/outside environments. They have the opportunity to learn about their community and beyond by participating in various offsite activities such as a trip to the library, church, local shops, theatre or park.

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