KnowledgeShare – sharing evidence across England and Wales



With COVID-19 reshaping health care across the world, it’s more vital than ever to have evidence available to make the best decisions. The KnowledgeShare service, developed here at BSUH by our Library and Knowledge Service, helps to connect you with the evidence you need and with the clinical librarians who can find the evidence for you.

In recent years we have begun licensing KnowledgeShare to other trusts across the country and earlier this year we reached a major milestone. There are now over 100 NHS Library and Knowledge services in England and Wales using KnowledgeShare from BSUH to keep their staff informed. Between them they cover more than three hundred heath care organisations, with around 60,000 NHS staff registered on the system, and the number is growing all the time.

If you are not already registered on KnowledgeShare you can sign up with your NHS OpenAthens password, or just send a request to

Through KnowledgeShare you can ask for research to answer a question about clinical care, management or research. You can also receive regular email updates, each providing a few new hand-picked publications that we think you’ll find useful (including updates on the latest COVID-19 research). Our recent evaluation of the service showed that 80% of respondents had made use of the publications they received and rated the impact on their work as good or excellent.

Here’s what local NHS staff have said:

“Your evidence updates changed my prescribing practice”

“I use many of the documents to support the reduction in use of sedation in people with dementia”

“These updates informed my ability to do process mapping and to speak to clinical colleagues about specialist subjects.”

KnowledgeShare shows the benefits of collaboration across the NHS, with daily updates on COVID being shared to thousands of health care staff. We have more hospitals lined up to come on board over the coming months and will be exploring opportunities for international expansion next year.