Port a cath post op instructions


What is a Port-a-Cath?A port-a-cath is a titanium chamber (port), which is connected to a thin hollow silicon plastic tube (catheter). The entire device is placed underneath the skin on the chest and the catheter is threaded from the chamber into a large vein at the entrance of the heart. This type of catheter is usually used to give medicine …

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What is an Angioplasty? An Angioplasty is a way of opening up a blockage or narrowing in an artery without having surgery. A fine plastic tube, called a catheter, is inserted through a blockage or narrowing of an artery and a special balloon on the catheter is then inflated to open up the vessel and allow blood to flow through. …

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What is an angiogram?An angiogram is used to take detailed pictures of arteries using x-ray guidance. Normally blood vessels do not show up on x-rays. However by injecting a special fluid called contrast medium (sometimes also called an x-ray dye) into an artery through a special fine tube called a catheter as you are being x-rayed, detailed images of your …

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post thrombotic syndrome (PTS)


Post Thrombotic Syndrome (PTS) This is a common problem for people who have suffered a Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). It is likely to affect up to half of patients within 2 years of diagnosis, although for some patients it can take up to 20 years for symptoms to develop. PTS is caused by damage after a clot in the valves …

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How to prevent blood clots while you are in hospital and after your return home


What is deep vein thrombosis? Deep Vein Thrombosis DVT is a blood clot within a vein. The most common type of DVT is in the leg. If a DVT forms in the leg it can cause pain and swelling in the leg, which can be distressing for the patient. A major concern is that someone with a DVT may develop …

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acute rehabilitation post leg amputation


If I go straight home from hospital will I have carers to help? There are rehabilitation teams including carers, physios and OTs (occupational therapists) that can visit you at home for up to 6 weeks after discharge. This service is free for up to 6 weeks. This team can help you with washing and dressing yourself, making meals and promoting …

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deep vein thrombosis (DVT) investigations


Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Investigations and Management You are being investigated to see if there is a blood clot in your leg, also known as a deep vein thrombosis. We hope that you find it more convenient to have your care managed in our ambulatory care unit. Blood clots can cause leg pain, swelling and redness. Clots can be seen …

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