Your fluoroscopy swallow


What is a fluoroscopy, or barium swallow?This is an x-ray examination that looks at your oesophagus, (the tube that leads to your stomach). We will ask you to drink a chalky white liquid called barium, which shows up on the x-rays. We take x-ray pictures as you swallow the barium. The purpose of the test is to try and find …

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The Sussex Trauma Network is looking for patient representatives


Would you like to share your trauma treatment and recovery experience, good or bad?“Trauma creates change you don’t choose. Healing creates change you do choose.” Michele Rosenthal If so we’d love to hear from you. We aim to keep improving our care and the best way for us to learn how to do this is hearing directly from patients, families, …

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Laparoscopic removal of the adrenal gland


What is the adrenal gland? The adrenal glands are two small organs which sit on top of your kidneys. Their main role is to produce and release hormones into the body. These hormones include ones that control blood pressure, sex hormones, regulate metabolism and contribute to the immune system function. What is Laparoscopic removal of the adrenal gland? Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy …

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Long term pleural chest drain


What is a long term drain?This is a tube passing from your skin into the space between your lungs and rib cage (the pleural space) to drain the fluid (pleural effusion, see diagram below) which keeps building up. Pleural effusion Why do I need a long term drain & what is the alternative?When fluid collects in the pleural space it …

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Pulmonary nodules


What is a pulmonary nodule? A pulmonary nodule is a small growth in your lung. On a CT scan or chest x-ray it looks like an area of roundish shadowing less than 3cm (about 1 inch) across. It does not cause any symptoms. How are pulmonary nodules diagnosed? Nodules are sometimes seen on a chest x-ray but in most cases …

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