Knowvember: Peer Review of Teaching

Staff from Pharmacy and the Library & Knowledge Services met with visiting pharmacists from the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) and the University of Zambia (UNZA), Lusaka, Zambia.

Dr Chiluba Mwila, Head of the School of Pharmacy at UNZA, Luke Alutuli, Chief Pharmacist of UTH, Dr Kenneth Kapolowe, Specialist Registrar of Infectious Diseases at UTH and Uchizi Chola,  Anitmicrobial Specialist Pharmacist at UTH are at BSUH this November as part of the Brighton Lusaka Pharmacy Link programme.

Alice Conway, Lead Pharmacist Education and Development and Amanda Lackey, Associate Library Services Manager teamed up on 7 November to share with the group their BSUH experience of Peer Review of Teaching (POT).

An interactive workshop to develop skills in POT was jointly created with Carrie Weller, Strategic Lead for Multiprofessional Education, and launched to BSUH in 2018.  Sixty BSUH staff across a range of specialties and professions have received this training to date. The trio also presented this project and its outcomes at the  International Network for Health Workforce Education Conference in Dublin earlier this year.

The visitors had a short taster of the POT training with tips on giving effective feedback. All then discussed the many benefits and the challenges faced in embedding POT into practice for all clinical educators.

A very apt topic for Knowvember!

Contact if you’d like to know more about Peer Review of Teaching for your team.