Finding quality health information

Course details


  • Formulating an appropriate search question
  • Identifying and understanding the different types of evidence
  • Using search engines and evidence tools such as The Cochrane Library, Medline, British Nursing Index, Health Management Information Consortium and PsycInfo to find good quality health care information
  • Downloading and saving references

Attend if:

  • You need to find the best evidence to support patient care or service improvement
  • You need to search the primary literature for your research project or dissertation, or for the purposes of audit
  • You are required to do any form of literature review, including systematic reviews
  • You are embarking on a course of study, are writing an assignment, are returning to study or are researching a CPD topic

Previous experience required: some experience of using the internet is required; a familiarity with journal literature would also be useful.

Duration: 2 hours

Format: presentation with worked examples and hands on practice

Booking a place: Use the form below or log into KnowledgeShare (using an NHS OpenAthens username and password) to book onto a session.

This session is delivered on-site and online. Dates which are taught online only (using tools such as Microsoft Teams) are listed separately . You will be contacted with more details when you book onto a specific session.

Contact if you have any queries.

Further help:

How do I start to develop a search strategy?

Healthcare Databases

Booking form

  • Which teaching session would you like to attend:

  • Your details

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